Friday, March 28, 2008

Colouring Idiosyncracies

Some queries from various sources recently about the colouring done on Wonderland and Malinky Robot, so here's a quick walkthrough :p

Programme: Photoshop

First thing is scanning in the pencils at 300dpi, after which i adjust hue/saturation, brightness/contrast until it looks ready...

Image layer is now changed to 'Multiply' so you can see the  layer of colour underneath it. Then its the mechanical process of blocking out the major areas in flat colours, which ends up looking like this:

Next a duplicate layer is made of colours and highlights, tones, shadows etc are worked on in the new colour layer. The layer box looks something like this:

The reason for keeping the old colour layer is so that its easy to select a large area on it using the Magic Wand tool; then you can go back to the new colour layer,  and adjust the hue/saturation - its a quick way of making changes to the palette...

So eventually you end up with something like this (still a work in progress i think! :p)

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